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No End Of Original

No End Of Original
New End Original -Frontmann Jonah Matranga gab am Samstag den Ausstieg zweier Bandmitglieder bekannt. Er versicherte aber, dass die Band weiterhin bestehen bleibe.

Am Samstag postete Jonah Matranga einen Eintrag in das Gästebuch seiner Homepage. Der ehemalige Sänger von Far erklärte, Scott Winegard (Bass) und Charles Walker (Schlagzeug) hätten New End Original aus verschiedenen Gründen verlassen. Er und Norman Arenas (Gitarre) wollen sich jetzt auf die Suche nach passenden Ersatzmusikern machen, mit denen sie neues Material einspielen könnten.

Hier ist der Gästebucheintrag im Original. „New End News and other curiousers, I am honest with you, probably to a fault. Ironic that you can say be honest and not leave yr actual identity and which little bird told you this stuff. Anyway, I`m not sure that which friends I talk to about advice is anything anyone else needs to know. It is my life, after all. The only pertinent fact is that Scott and Charlie have left, for different and personal reasons, and both leavings are for the best. It was just stuff in their lives that no one could have forseen.

I have many emotions about it, just going through them. Norman and I are still very excited about New End and making songs, and songs have been started, and it`s just about finding the right people to make them with. Again, I promise that pertinent stuff will be made clear here. Please don`t partake in rumour milling… How all the stories start, I dunno, people like to talk about stuff. People are weird and beautiful. I`m just making music, and keeping the promise that no matter what comes out, it`s gonna be for real. So, looking for people that can play on all levels. Again. Mostly just making music and seeing what comes.

The death metal cover sounds like a really good idea.

More hellos after the drive and the show tonight in LG. Ready for some music.“

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